Support care overview image

Manage your Health Care, through Tīmata.

Connect with your Health Professionals via Timata.

Download the App Today!
Healthcare app overview
Your Basic Grocery Items Delivered Weekly
Prescriptions Delivered

Manage prescriptions through Tīmata, and have them delivered to your door.

Order prescriptions via Timata, and have them delivered to your door.

Calculate your weekly expenses, and manage your healthcare budget.

Know what you can spend on Health Care Supplies

App Calendar Feature
App feature - Prescription delivered
App feature - Discount chemist products
Discount Chemist Products

Access to exclusive Tīmata discounts on over-the-counter chemist products.

Get discounts on everyday pharmacy goods.

Order your regular medical supplies, and have them delivered to your door.

Setup a repeating subscription for products you buy regularly.

App feature for direct messaging
Discount chemist products

Access to exclusive Tīmata discounts on over-the-counter chemist products.

See your avaliable grocery budget

Manage your spend as you add products

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App feature for direct messaging
Health Care Notifications

Tīmata sends you personalised prompts to help you manage your health.

Be reminded when you need to take your regular medication.

View health updates and notifications within Tīmata.

Gain control over your health, and connect directly with your health care providers.

App Reminders and notifications feature
App feature - Healthcare notifications
Download the App Today!